Leukemia Treatment Failure - Are There Alternatives?

Navigating through a serious illness with a family member is a challenging and emotional experience for anyone. We (Adam's parents) have had several such occasions test our strength.

Let's say you went to a mechanic and said your engine is making this loud ominous knocking noise. It's so loud that you're sure the engine is sustaining additional damage with every day that you drive the car. The mechanic looks at the engine and after a brief time gives you the disposition. He hands you a pair of ear plugs and advises that you should wear them each time you drive the car. His position is that you won't be bothered by the noise any longer because you won't hear it! Did he fix the problem? Will the engine surely fail - eventually? Would you seriously take his advice and drive off, ear plugs in place and a smile on your face? Then why do you take similar advice from your physician when he or she hands you a pill?

Many years ago, there was no 'other' medicine. What we see as alternate now was what was practiced. It was only after science and advances in allopathic medicine came in that this was relegated to the pages of history. Not anymore. The time has come for the click here old world medical knowledge to come out of the closet and make its presence felt. It is a fact that there are certain diseases and conditions that need to be treated with modern medicine to be effectively cured. But both streams can exist together quite comfortably and more and more all over the world are waking up to this fact.

Fresh raw garlic. Chew a clove every day. It burns a bit takes some Ayurveda over allopath getting used to. But you will feel it working, literally burning away bacteria and inflammation.

I want to be very respectful and gentle because dying is a serious topic. However, what if there were alternatives that may help? I cannot speak for you, but it seems to me that if modern mainstream medicine failed me, I would turn to alternative medicine.

If you haven't tried the ginger treatment or at least are drinking the spiced herbal teas, I recommend you go back to my guide and try it out. Give it a week. See how different your gut feels. How decongested your body feels.

Whew! This example has gotten complex. It is designed to show you that there is quite a bit you need to know to take care of yourself. You should learn it. I can help. Holistic herbalists such as me are here to help you and your physician obtain real and lasting healing for yourself using "home remedies" and natural therapies instead of drugs and invasive procedures.

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